

忬 拼音:yù,sū 部首:心 部首笔划:05 总笔划:13 繁体字:忬 汉字结构:上下结构 简体部首:心 造字法:会意 笔顺:竖折横竖折撇折捺折横折竖横 五笔86:ANQN 五笔98:ANQN 五行:金 笔顺编号:2512534515211 四角号码:71017 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+5FEA 基本字义 1.古同“纾”(除去);解除。


详细字义 〈动〉

1.消除 [remedy;remove] 舒,也作忬。消闲也。——《正字通》

2.解除[discharge;release from] 忬,除也。——《玉篇》 又如:忬放(释放);忬囚(赦免罪犯)

3.同“愉”( yú)。喜悦[pleasant] 抚军虽不愉思,犹存节度。——南朝宋· 刘义庆《世说新语·政事》

English: the name of a place in Hunan Province, China

Yus is also pronounced as Yu sū (a character for a word “纾”, which means to relax or relieve), but its meaning was different. It meant that you had been punished with being shackled so tight at your legs, and then released after some time passed by through this strange tool called Yus. I don’t think it could be used on any other purpose except releasing people who were put into custody due to their crime or misdeed, just like how Shu/Shoo worked nowadays when we use them to release prisoners before they are turned free forever outside prison walls because all pending charges against them have officially finished. The main difference between those two words here probably lies within what kind of penalty does each one mean – imprisonment vs jailing, if ever there might exists anything similar to our current punishments today in old days centuries ago… Hmmmmm……

The second way of pronouncing this unusual Chinese character would make sense only upon knowing that it originally came from an ancient country named “Yu ”, whose territory located where Southwestern part of modern day China, mostly consisted of Southwest Chongqing province among others back during Han dynasty around first few centuries AD. In fact, not too far away from present-day town of Fengjie along Yangtze River flows a great city formerly known as Yuzhou. This was once famous site visited by renowned Tang poet Bai Juyi, whom wrote about his experience living inside this beautiful little kingdom surrounded by mountains while working as official sent over from his native land across ocean waters near Japan:

I remember vividly the long boat ride down river along Yangzi Gorge, past Qutang Scarp


这个字的五行,是古汉语和中医中用的术语“五音”的说法而已的!现在的人大多不知道了…… 什么是金木水火土啊? 在古代,古人是用“金、木、水、火、土”来概括世界万物的性质,比如金属的性质有“金性凉而收敛”;水的性质有“水清润而寒”之类的东西,所以后来就用五行来给自然界里的东西分类! 而“金、木、水、火、士”这五个词分别都代表了哪些具体的物体呢?

古代的中医们是这么划分的—— “金”代表西方的秋气,也就是秋天的风(燥)所带来的一切东西,它包括一切具有黄色属性的物质; “木”代表东方的春天之气与植物相关的事物;

“水”就是北方的冬水和寒冷干燥之物; “火”就是南方的夏火,温暖干燥; “土”则是中央的长夏,属湿土,为万物之母! 为什么要把它们称为五音呢?因为它们的颜色都是黄色的,而且五行中的每一行都有其对应的两字,并且这两字都有一个共同的特点:

第一个字是形声结构的“金”“木”“水”“火”“土”,第二个字为形旁的字(偏旁部首)——“清”“秀”“冰”“炎”“山”等这样类别的字,所以我们称五行两两相配的字组合叫做“五行相生”或“五行相克”——金生水,水生木……这就是五行生克的来源! 所以这个“忬”字五行属土!
